Today's lead question comes from Deborah: "Should a Christian always submit to the government?" Then, great questions from the live chat: Why didn't God just kill Satan directly when he became evil to get rid of all evil in the universe before it could spread to humans? Luke 13:24 says “strive” to enter the narrow gate. The NLT uses the phrase “work hard”. How can I view this verse and not fall into the temptation of believing that I need to work towards salvation? Were Adam and Eve allowed to partake of the fruit from the Tree of Life before the fall? When the Anti-Christ government says get the mark of the beast should we? When Sarah asked Abraham to lay with her maid servant after God promised them a son, could this be seen as losing faith? Which day is the Sabbath day? Who is the statue of on your shelf today? Why is the Passover always mentioned in term of Christ being our sacrifice, and not the Day of Atonement? What did Jesus mean in Matthew 28 about baptizing in the name of the Father, Son, and Spirit, making disciples, and how does it applies to believers today? if Paul said that he works harder than the other Apostles, does that mean he will receive a greater reward? How long did the Seraphim guard the Garden of Eden with the sword that turned all ways? What does the Bible say about a woman officiating a wedding? Is it possible that Satan causes us to remember our old sins? Why did Jesus need to cleanse heaven with his blood, as in Hebrews 9? Here's David's teaching on the 1 Timothy 2 passage about the roles of men and women in the church:

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